Posts in Lamb
Nana's Sunday Roast

My nana was a great cook. Growing up without a lot of money, she knew how to stretch out meals, make great dishes from cheaper cuts and fill up the bellies of hungry men and fussy kids. But it was on special occasions when she would really impress and nobody could come close to making a roast like hers. Nana would get up before the dairy farmers so that lunch would still be served by noon but I have tweaked her recipe so that the whole process takes about 2 hours with some prep the night before – and it might not be quite as good as Nan’s, but it's pretty close.

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Lamb Rosemary Skewers

These are simple and delicious ways of serving BBQ lamb. Make it a special dish by making your own rosemary skewers. Take long stems of rosemary about 15cm long and strip almost all the leaves except a tuft at the end. Take a sharp knife and whittle away the thick end to form a point to form a skewer that will also impart flavour into the lamb.

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Beetroot Lamb Burgers

These beautiful ruby red burgers are packed full of goodness and have a full sweet flavour of lamb and the nutrition of beetroot. Beetroots are surprisingly full of sugar so you need to cook these beautiful burgers on a medium heat otherwise they can become too dark. And remember all meat, including burger, need resting. They freeze really well for up to three months.

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Fragrant Lamb Curry

A traditional Northern Indian recipe. You can ramp up the spiciness of the dish by using more chillies or omit them completely if you don’t like it hot. You can stretch this dish out to feed more by simply adding more vegetables, and more water and cooking up a pot of rice.

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Middle Eastern Lamb Shoulder with Couscous Salad

The flavours of the Middle East resonate with the Australian summer. Mint, figs, pomegranate, cumin, and thyme. This dish is packed with flavour and can be easily cooked in a BBQ with a lid. Just remember to cook it fast to get the golden-brown crust and then low and slow to make the meat inside lip-smackingly tender. This will feed a big family get-together, and you can stretch out the numbers by making more couscous salad.

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Greek Forequarter Lamb Chops

Full of flavour and great value for money, forequarter chops were once the BBQ chop of choice. They come from the shoulder of lamb, which means they are on the bone. The Greeks know the secret of basting the chops in lemon juice and white wine overnight, slowly taken on the fragrance of herbs and garlic. Serve with a big fat Greek salad, some tzatziki, and loads of crusty bread to mop up those aromatic pan juices.

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Slow Cooked Shoulder of Lamb Spanish Style

Take a whole shoulder of lamb, rub it with herbs and spices, plonk it top of a bed of potatoes and peppers and slowly cook it until the juices run down to flavour and enrich the dish. This dish, with a loaf of crusty bread, will easily feed four or with some other vegetable dishes, feed a family of six. Serve it with a big red wine. As they say in Spain Buen Provecho – Enjoy!

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Lamb Shank Pies with Speck and Red Wine

For generations, the lamb shank was the grandmother’s secret. Cheap, sweet and filling a lamb shank strew could feed a big country family when spooned over piping hot mashed spuds. The secret’s out, but we still reckon that shanks offer great value as they are rich, have great flavour and go a long way. Here’s a special winter dish, perfect for a Sunday lunch. We love making this dish with the local sweet carrots grown in the rich volcanic soil and serving it with a bowl of piping hot mashed potato.

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